Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Ending The Year Lighter Than I Began

My mother's cat, Dexter.

Wow.  2024 is gone.  Whoosh!  Just like that.  It's been a very light year for us.  We've only worked for five months - January to May - because Ed tore his ACL in the first week of June.  So we've been home since then, Ed doing PT, me doing whatever else.    

Here we go....

1. What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before?
Well, we finally went on that cruise to Alaska, which we'd been talking about for years. And it was a blast!  We met so many people on this group that we actually hung out with.  We had meals a few times with one group we met but mostly, every evening from ten to midnight, we gathered in the mid-ship lounge and did karaoke. So.  Much.  Fun!   

Cruising through Glacier Bay

We visited Graceland and actually went to tour the house this time.  Pretty interesting.

Took a spin around the track at Talladega.  

Took the Seaspan Ferry from Washington State to British Columbia.  We parked at the front of the ferry so we were able to sit in the cab of our truck and have an unobstructed view.  Beautiful!

Went to a Gladys Knight concert.  In Shipshewana, Indiana of all places!

Viewed a solar eclipse in the path of totality.


I lost 42 pounds!  That's a BIG deal.  All these years, fluctuating, losing 7, 10, 15 pounds here and there, and then putting it back on, I finally found a plan that I stuck to and lost weight.  And I enjoyed it.  

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 
I didn't technically make any resolutions, but the standby "diet and exercise" one actually worked its way into our lives this year.  Because we were home with Ed's torn ACL and he had to do rehab, we decided to do a plant-based diet.  And it worked.  We both lost weight and our "numbers" look great!

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
Just Canada this year.  

6. What would you like to have in 2025 that you lacked in 2024? 
More travel!

7. What dates from 2024 will remain etched in your memory, and why?
June 4th, when Ed tore his ACL, and November 15th when I was told that a family member had cancer.  

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Losing 42 pounds.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not losing 50 pounds.  LOL

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? 
I had a little flu-like episode after we got back from our cruise. There were lots of people and tons of germs. I must have touched a contaminated surface.  

11. What was the best thing you bought?
I have a new tote bag (I know, exciting) and a gold chain for some tiny pendants I haven't been wearing because I didn't have the right size chain for them.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Mine, because I stuck to this food program and made incredible progress.  I made delicious vegetable-based meals, creative salad dressingssweet desserts, and even a burger and fries

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? 
Oddly, I can't think of a thing.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Grocery shopping and Amazon.  Being home for seven months, on a plant-based diet, had me buying a LOT of produce.  And because we were home to receive packages, I bought a lot more on Amazon than I would have if I were on the road in the truck.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Our Alaska cruise since we've never been on one.  We wound up having a great time and made a few friends which truly enhanced the entire trip.  And my cousin's wedding in Philadelphia.  My cousin and I connected through a family tree program and had been corresponding for a couple of years.  We met once in person and the second time was going t be at the wedding.  I was the ONLY person from her father's side of the family (my grandfather and her grandmother are siblings) to represent the family and she was thrilled.  The wedding was one of the MOST amazing I've ever been to and I was excited about it from the minute I heard where they were holding it.  What a great time it was!

16. What song will always remind you of 2024?
Probably "Good Luck, Babe!" by Chappel Roan.  Even though I recently told someone I didn't know any songs by this chick, I realize I've been hearing and singing this song for most of the year.  Only now, looking it up for this post, did I know it was by her.  Seems I'm officially old. 

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
A little sadder, 42 pounds thinner, and about the same financially.

A meal from Charrovida, a local plant-based restaurant.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Read.  But now that I have a new iPad with access to magazines and news sites that you'd normally have to pay for individually, I see more reading in my future.  And I can't even believe I'm going to say this, but I wish I did a smidge more exercise.  

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Dishes.  Holy shit, I do a lot of dishes.  And when I have company, the amount of dishes grows to a jaw-dropping amount.  Pot scrubbing is the worst.  Anyone can feel free to take that task away from me.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
With friends and family.  My brother, his wife, and two of his three boys, my mother, Ed's father, my brother's in-laws, and my friends Marlaina and MacG.  And Ed decorated our yard, turning it into a little wonderland of lights.  Because I didn't get my shit together to send Christmas cards out, I turned the photo of the yard into a digital card.  It's beautiful.

21. Did you fall in love in 2024?
Kinda.  With hummus and this salad dressing, which I add tahini to.

22. What was your favorite TV program?
Being home with Ed's torn ACL, we watched a lot of TV.  Not that TV watching for us is unusual, we just did more than normal.  During the day we never "watch" TV, we usually just have it on in the background.  And what we typically watch are walking tours in foreign countries on YouTube. These three are my favorite YouTub channels: Still WandererProWalk Tours, and HP Walking Tours.  My other absolute favorite channel to watch is Milan On Trend.  I'm convinced that no one has a better style than the Italians.  

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

24. What was the best book you read?
I have not completed any books this year but I've started a few.  One that I've loved has been Barbra Streisand's memoir, My Name Is Barbra.  She reads it herself and listening feels like you're sitting at her kitchen table having her tell you the story of her life.  It's personable. Funny.  Interesting.  Real.  And having been a lifelong fan, it's special to me.  I'll get back to it in the new year when we get back on the road.

25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Jazz singer, Stacey Kent.  I love jazz and many female jazz vocalists.  One of the reasons I like this one is because she does a lot of Bossa Nova.  And I love Bossa Nova.

26. What did you want and get?
I have been toying with the idea of buying a new iPad for quite some time but keep talking myself out of it - "Do I really need a new iPad?"  Well, toy no more.  Ed bought me an iPad Air for Christmas!  And I LOVE it! 

27. What did you want and not get?
A trip to New York to do genealogy research.  I need at least a week to go to a few places in person to research what I'm interested in.  Maybe I'll be able to squeeze it in next year.

A totem pole along the Totem Trail in Sitka, Alaska

28. What was your favorite film of this year?
We really liked My Old Ass.  Don't let the title put you off, it's funny and charming.  I also enjoyed Música.  It was a very creative love story. And, The Idea of You.  Yes, I'm a lover of cheesy movies.  

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 57 this year.  I didn't do anything exciting - ran errands and went to lunch with Ed.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having a regular cleaning lady.  I have one come in once in a while when I really don't feel like doing the house, but I would have loved to have taken advantage of having someone here on a regular basis just to do the stuff I don't like to do.  Next time we are home for an extended period of time, I'm doing it.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2024?
Dresses.  Leggings with tunics.  And Tabi socks. I wear flip-flops year-round, especially in the house, but lately, my toes have been cold. I tried to wear regular socks and squish the thong part of the flip-flop into my sock, but that's annoying because the little indentation doesn't stay there once you pull your foot out of the sock. Then I found these. They're fun colors, work just as I wanted them to, and I bought a pair for everyone at Christmas.

32. What kept you sane?
I don't really have a history of being insane or feeling insane, so I don't really have to "right" myself to the sane lane.  But, if we're talking about what you do to just chill, then my iPhone keeps me there.  I can listen to music, or a podcast, research something, text someone, read emails, or scroll through Instagram or Pinterest.  It's a chill activity and it's something I enjoy.  And frankly, couldn't live without it.

City Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Barbra Streisand. I've loved Barbra my entire life.  I've been listening to her music for as long as I can remember and I've been singing her songs since I was a child.  I even performed in front of a senior crowd at my grandparents' vacation spot.  I think I was seven at the time.

34. What political issue stirred you the most?
I'm still going with the demonization of immigrants.  I live in a border state, in a town that's almost 43% Hispanic or Latino, and have never had a problem with these people ever.  NEVER.  EVER.  The ones I have worked with, socialized with, have done business with, or have had any kind of interaction with have always proven the same thing - they are hardworking, family-oriented, kind people who are just doing their jobs and living their lives like everyone else. 

This was an election year and Donald Trump, people like him, his supporters, and the right-wing media continue to relentlessly stir up fear and hate towards the Hispanic and Latino population.  They cause this community of people harm.  One of the reasons I know this is a predominately racist issue is because no one seems to be screaming for a wall on the Canadian-US border.

35. Who did you miss?
My grandparents.  I've been doing a lot of family tree research the last few years and I've come across many items that I know could have been explained by my maternal grandmother.  Names, dates, connections.  She was really good at that, had a great memory, and because my maternal grandfather was an amateur photographer, we have albums full of photos that I could use a little explanation of.  

My maternal great-great-grandparents

36. Who was the best new person you met?
Tami and Justin and their three kids.  This family lives in our neighborhood just one street over but they tore their house down to rebuild and during the build time, they rented the house next door to us.  After renting for a few months they decided to buy it.  I don't know their plans for this house once the new one is completely built, but we've had the pleasure of their company while they've been here.  They are an absolutely lovely family.  The kids are polite and charming, and I feel we've made new friends for life.  Can't wait to see their new house once it's complete!

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2024.
Things often don't go as planned.  I'm a planner.  I like knowing what I'm doing, where I'm going, what I need to pack, and what time I need to be somewhere.  I make lists.  I prepare.  But, that doesn't always work.  When Ed tore his ACL, that changed the whole year for us.  We had to suspend our vacation plan for Europe, we had to fit three days of physical therapy into our life, and I had to adjust to a new way of eating when we started the plant-based diet which meant WAY more prepping and cooking than I usually do which meant more work for me.  Good thing I'm flexible though, because I just shifted gears and got shit done.  Yay, me! 

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"I belong with you, you belong with me.  You're my sweetheart."  From the song, "Ho Hey"  by The Lumineers.  

It's been Ed and me all year long.  And it's us two going forward.  I belong with you, you belong with me.  You're my sweetheart.

And my slogan for the New Year...

Do what I want.  

I say this because it seems everyone does do what they want.  I have a tendency to consider others before making decisions but I'm finding that not many other people do.  They just do what the fuck they want.  So, that's what I'm going to start doing.  I'll spend my money without consulting anyone.  I'll leave a party if I'm bored.  I'll stay quiet if I'm not interested in the conversation (instead of making awkward small talk to be polite).  There are lots of areas of life where I can just do what I want.  And I think 2025 is going to be that year. 

As the sun sets on 2024, I wish you a very happy, very healthy, and very prosperous 2025!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Fit For Work

I went for my DOT Physical today.  Stressed, as always, because they make me nervous in this office.  But, I passed and I'm cleared to go back on the road.  

After having six months off - and there will be another month and a half before we actually head out - I'm not sure I want to go back.  But I know once I'm behind the wheel I'll be happy we're out there again.  

See you soon!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.

2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Folk, People, Nation
2017: In The Weekend
2016: One More Day
2015: I Hope You Feel Small When You Stand Beside The Ocean
2014: Palm Print
2013: Give Me Ten Minutes, I'll Give You A Year

2012: Doesn't Look So Bad From A Distance
2011: They Really Mean It When They Say, “We Come To You”
2010: It’s Only Snow
2009: Once In A Blue Moon
2008: Have Wet Saw, Will Travel
2007: Spiritual Motivation
2006: Who Needs Paint Chips When You Can Just Use An Old Flag For Inspiration?
2005: The Promised Land

Sunday, December 29, 2024

In The Wild

Ed out on a hike with our friend, MacG, who took this photo.  He's pointing out the cactus - as a joke - showing off the "rare" find during their desert hike.

Ed said they could have walked in circles around our property and seen the same things.  

Yep, that's Tucson.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.

2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Assembling On The East Bank Of The Danube
2017: Winding Down
2016: Get Real
2015: The Swiss Grill Does It Up Alambre Style
2014: Another Day Gone
2013: No Snow For Winter AND Stupid Syfy Movies
2012: Winter Rest 
2011: Happy 5005!
2010: It Really Doesn’t Need Any Help
2009: The Day The Music Lived
2008: It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
2007: He Raises A Valid Point
2006: Eddie In Stripes Friday
2005: Customer Service Vigilante

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Touched By Fire


While our friends Marlaina & MacG were visiting for Christmas, we decided to go to BATA for Marlaina's birthday.  We always save the "foodie" restaurants for when they are here since they're really our only friends who appreciate this type of menu.

The restaurant has received quite a bit of press, being called one of the best restaurants in the West by Sunset magazine, which described it like this: "With a 400-mile sourcing rule, the restaurant uses micro-seasonal produce and local meats, with every dish containing an element that has been grilled, seared, smoked, charred, or cooked in the coals to create a new, fire-first Sonoran cuisine."
It was mentioned in Time magazine's "World's Great Places 2023" piece
And Bon Appétit magazine included it in its "50 Best New Restaurants 2022" list. 

That's the short list of places it was written about.  There are others
Everything was so good that we ate everything before I remembered to take a photo. But I got a photo of these pieces of braised beef, which ironically was the only thing that wasn't completely up to my standards—it was a little dry. But with a spoonful of the sauce it came with, it was actually quite delicious.
Overall, the dinner and evening were wonderful.  Celebrating a friend's birthday, being together for the holidays, trying a new restaurant....all on my list of things that constitute a good time.

Happy Birthday, Marlaina!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.

2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Bike Prep
2017: Nailed It!
2016: Enjoy The Ride
2015: Wavin' Howdy As We Pass Through
2014: It's Got To Be Under This Tree Somewhere
2013: We Don't Even Charge For Parking
2012: Somewhere In Eastern Oregon
2011: Lighting Up The Night Griswold Style
2010: Why Fall In Love With A Gingerbread Man When You Can Have His Cake And Eat it Too?
2009: You WILL Think Of God
2008: The Queen Of Copper
2007: Eddie Wears His Christmas Present Friday
2006: The Only Way I Can Tolerate Arizona
2005: I’ve Got Lips

Friday, December 27, 2024

Dog Sitter Extraordinare

I'm not a pet person.  But I love my friend Kim.  And when she asked me to watch Jaxon at the last minute because her pet sitter bailed, I stepped up to the plate and said, "Of course!  No problem."  

And really, it wasn't a problem.  Except for a few tiny pools of pee, the day went off without a hitch.  I walked him, I fed him, I let him sit on my lap and in my favorite chair.  Jaxon loves his Auntie Salena.

I am hoping she doesn't get any idea that this is going to be a regular thing, though.  

I'm a once in a blue moon dog Aunt.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.

2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.

2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Sunset At The Oasis
Objects Are Closer Than They Appear

2016:  Freedom!
2015:  Whatcha Doin'?
2014:  Until We Meet Again
2013:  Remember The Christmas When...
2012:  Blame It On Weed
2011:  The Plum Is Missing
2010:  The Voodoo That You Do
2009:  Meet Me In St. Louis…If You Can Find It
2008:  We Don’t Eat Gefilte Fish But We Do Like The Multi-Cultural Birthdays
2007:  How To Picnic Like An Italian
2006:  Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant….
2005:  The Cactus King

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Three And A Half Christmases


This year I had a burst of energy.  I put up four trees.  Well, really three and a half.  You've seen two of them already in former posts but I'm going to gather them all together for this one.  The main tree, in my primary living room is the one above. It stands about seven and a half feet tall and has more ornaments than any tree in the house.  

I love this tree.  I love looking at it all hours of the day.  If it wouldn't make me a weirdo, I'd keep the thing up all year.  Right now I'm the only one up in the house, all the other lights are off, and this tree is shining and shimmering and sparkling and I LOVE it.

The second tree is in our second living room.  It's a skinny tree, about six feet tall.  This one houses all my childhood ornaments (that made it this far) and many of the ornaments my mother had on some of her trees over the years.  It feels very retro.  If it had colored lights, it'd really be like when I was a kid.  This tree holds memories.

The third tree was gifted to me by my friend Kim.  It's about two feet tall and sits on a small table in my bedroom.  I like it.  It's simple.  And at night, it's like a pretty little nightlight.  The tiny stained glass house next to it was made by my step-father, Frank.  That's there all year round and another little memory.

The last tree is the one in my kitchen.  This came about when we somehow wound up with an extra tree (maybe one of my mother's?) and the red theme was inspired by the picture of Murtagh, who is a very prominent character in the kitchen.  He's the first thing you see when you walk in.  
So we have a very merry, very Christmasy household this year.  I have another skinny tree (still in the box) which I couldn't figure out where to display, but I'm sure it'll be making an appearance next year.  

Ed and I will be hitting the sales after the holiday is over so I'm sure I'll find a good deal on something.  I can't wait!

Buona vigilia di Natale!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.
2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: Wait Right Here...Someone Will Be With You In A Minute
2017: We Joined Together: One Fiery Italian Babe And One Laid-Back Dude From Texas
2016: My Christmas Presents Are Safe
2015: O Christmas Plant, O Christmas Plant
2014: In The Shadow Of Friends
2013: Christmas Eve Big Ass Surf And Turf
2012: This Sled Is Being Pulled By Rudolph The Bucking Red-Nosed Reindeer 
2011: Call Me For A Good Time – I’m ALWAYS Happy
2010: Blue Plates And Books For Christmas Eve
2009: Holiday Theft Is On The Rise…Right In Your Own Neighborhood!!
2008: The Team Finally Takes A Rest
2007: The Night Before Christmas And All Through The House
2006: The Only Visible Flames Came From The Candles On The Altar
2005: Tonight’s The Night, People

Monday, December 23, 2024

Itching To Go Seven More Years


Today is our 7th wedding anniversary. Although we've been together for 20 years this year, we've only been married for seven.

Ed hit the jackpot with me (I'm sure he'd say the same) but I have to tell you, I found a man of excellent quality.  Ed is handsome, hardworking, honest, generous, honorable, principled, humorous (very dry), an excellent provider, loved by family and friends, and an all-around spectacular catch.  He is loved by me more than he'll probably ever know.

On our first date, I knew he was a person worth knowing and having in my life. I was right, as usual.

Happy Anniversary, Baby!  Let's go another twenty!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.
2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: I Love Being My Husband's Wife
2017: Abundant Artless Beauty
2016: It's Never Too Late
2015: Pug Life
2014: The Capital Wheel Blur
2013: Shopping, Wrapping, And Eating Is Exhausting
2012: This Space Available
2011: The Road To Laramie
2010: Muscling Christ Back Into Christmas
2009: Holiday Gift Suggestions
2008: Weighing In
2007: When You Need Maternity Clothes And You’re Not Pregnant, You Know It’s Time For A Diet
2006: It’s The Real Thing!
2005: Spiraling Out Of Control

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Murtagh Isn't Very Merry


The rooster in this painting is named Murtagh. He was named after Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser, from the Outlander series.

It was painted by Aimée Rolin Hoover, who specializes in contemporary animal paintings. It is on loan 
from our good friends, M & G.  

His gaze grows on you.  We've become very fond of him but know someday it will go back to its rightful owners and live in their home.  

We've already arranged visitation rights.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2023: Sorry, no post on this day.
2022: Sorry, no post on this day.
2021: Sorry, no post on this day.
2020: Sorry, no post on this day.
2019: Sorry, no post on this day.
2018: A Modern Stroll Through The Museum
2017: Holiday Vibe

2016: Four Eyes At Your Service
2015: Good Morning, Arizona
2014: Boom! Last Load Of The Year
2013: Do You Really Need To Ice Skate At The Mall??
2012: Christmas Score! 
2011: Iowa Beef Dresses Up For The Holidays
2010: Weather, Wyoming And Wings
2009: The End Is Not Just Near, It’s Here!! 
2008: Keeping The Mountain On The Right Side Of The Fence
2007: Divine Intervention Comes A Little Too Late
2006: General Delivery
2005: Frumpy To Nicole